The Foundation was created in the memory of Daniel Keating

Daniel was born in Manhattan, Kansas, attended the University of Kansas and spent his professional life in Kansas City. His passion for his friends, family and helping others in need is the inspiration of the foundation.

Daniel will be remembered for his ability to make you feel like the most loved and cared for person in the room. His kindness, joyfulness, and love for living life to the fullest is an inspiration to us all. He had a heart of gold and his smile and sense of humor made everyone around him filled with joy and laughter.

Daniel showed courage and compassion his entire life. Even when he was in the hospital for heart failure he always had a smile on his face.

Our Mission

We lift up and light up the lives of young people facing physical, emotional, and economic challenges by fostering inclusion and hope.

Our Vision

We will transform despair into hope, sadness into joy, isolation into connectedness, and fear into courage for young people in the Manhattan/Kansas City areas.

We will support organizations that elevate the lives of young people, focusing on programs and experiences that would not otherwise be possible.

We will carry on the spirit of Daniel Keating, whose smile was contagious, whose heart was always open, and whose kindness was given freely and without judgment.

Who We Fund

We provide funding for substantial projects which helps prevent crisis in our amazing young people. We look for sustainable organizations in the Manhattan, Kansas and Kansas City communities that get young people involved to help fellow young people in need.

Who We Are

Board of Directors:
Jack Glickert, President
Jo Brunner, Past President
Matt Brunner, Treasurer
Laura Warta, President Elect
Pat Keating
Rachel Tucker, Secretary
Rachel Robillard
Tommy Beeler
Leslie Gasser
Alex Howe
Traci Graham, Executive Assistant

At the end of the day people won't remember what you said or did, people will remember the way you made them feel.

Maya Angelou